
We have developed a number of handy tools that can be utilised on your mobile device and your PC if you are running Windows 10.

All it takes is the installation of one free application called OPEN AS APP. This handy App contains all the tools in one easy to access place and it can be used offline once you have it on your device. When we update any of the tools or add new tools, the App will prompt you to update.

Tools included in the app

Fault Codes
Can’t find the manual when you are faced with diagnosing a fault? This guide covers all of our VSDs and SS products – SD700, SD500, SD250, SD300, SD100, V5, V2. Lists the fault code or message, a description of the fault, possible cause, and actions to remedy the fault.

Use the Fault Codes Guide Online Now

Cabinet Sizing Guide
Got to mount one of our VSDs or soft starters in a cabinet but not sure what size cabinet to purchase? Use this tool to calculate the heat output of the VSD or soft starter and what sized enclosure or airflow is required to keep the device cool. You can save the data for reference at a later date.

Use the cabinet sizing guide online now

Power Factor Correction Calculator
This tool permits you to make an educated estimate as to the amount of power factor correction you might require for your installation. You can compile your results into an easy to read report that can be saved or printed directly from the App.

Use the Power Factor Correction Calculator Online Now

Pump Energy Estimator
Use this tool to estimate the energy usage, potential savings and payback when adding a VSD to control your pump. Enter your project details, costs and flow rates. This tool will produce a report showing an operational cost comparison between VSD and fixed speed, how much energy you can save with a VSD and payback period.

Use the Pump Energy Estimator Online Now

Fan Energy Estimator
Use this tool to estimate the energy usage, potential savings and payback when adding a VSD to control your fan. Enter your project details, costs and flow rates. This tool will produce a report showing operational cost comparison between VSD and fixed speed, how much energy you can save with a VSD and payback period. 

Use the Fan Energy Estimator Online Now

Dynamic Brake Resistor Selector
Some applications require resistors to be fitted to a VSD to absorb regenerated energy when decelerating or stopping. Use this tool to select the required dynamic brake resistor size for any of our SD series VSD models.

Use the DB Resistor Selector Online Now


Installing "Open As App"

download app store

Apple – download the "Open as App" from the App store via your iPhone or iPad. 

Once you have downloaded the app, search for “PENZ TOOLS” in the search window and all of our main PENZ TOOLS window will be displayed. Click on this and save it to favourites and it will then be available in favourites for future use. 

download google playAndroid – download the "Open As App" from the Google Play Store via your android device.

Once you have downloaded the app, search for “PENZ TOOLS” in the search window and all of our main PENZ TOOLS window will be displayed. Click on this and save it to favourites and it will then be available in favourites for future use. 

download microsoftWindows 10 PC – download the "Open as App" from the Microsoft Store via your PC. Once you have downloaded the app, search for “PENZ TOOLS” in the search window and all of our main PENZ TOOLS window will be displayed. Click on this and save it to favourites and it will then be available in favourites for future use.