Customer Stories
The ‘CARnivore’ With an Insatiable Appetite…

How the Power Electronics XMV660 Outdoor Variable Speed Drive calmed it down
Find out more »One of New Zealand's largest EDBs Finds Success with Power Electronics Static Synchronous Compensator
How the Power Electronics STATCOM helped one of NZ's largest EDBs overcome voltage stability challenges
Find out more »New Zealand's First Grid-Connected Solar Farm Powered by Power Electronics' Central Inverter

Kea Energy owns, operates, and maintains a range of hydro-turbine and solar-generating plants across New Zealand's South Island. They operate 14 solar farms and are responsible for generating 2.2GWH of electricity per annum.
Find out more »Sinexcel SVG Reduces Printing Plant Operating Costs

Hastings based Beacon Print are a commercial offset web printers offering a variety of newspaper print options. A recent operation relocation threw up some issues around power factor correction that need resolving. Although their old premises had an automatic power factor system, it was capacitor based and Beacon Print’s electrical contractors, Pope Electrical, were regularly replacing failed capacitors at the old plant. The new premises had no power factor correction equipment and the operation was being penalised some $7,600 per year for poor PF by their electricity suppliers.
Find out more »SD700 Lowers Harmonics On Large Irrigation Scheme

With the ever increasing tightening of harmonic limits by South Island power authorities, smarter low harmonic VSD solutions[/products/variable-speed-drives/] are being needed – enter the SD700 active front end range.
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